> for more info/updates on dates & locations of far-right rallies to stay clear from, we recommend @realedin on instagram. they also have a collection of testimonies we recommend reading, regarding racism & islamophobia experienced in scotland. https://www.instagram.com/realedin?igsh=dG5zbWxlcTl4ZDhr
> for resources on how to be an active anti-racist bystander & how to support victims of hate crime, we recommend Racism Unmasked Informed (@ru.informed) on instagram https://www.instagram.com/ru.informed?igsh=MXU1bm43M3M5dDNjYw==
> (alternatively, you can find the LinkTree of Racist Unmasked Informed here: https://linktr.ee/RacismUnmaskedEdinburgh?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAabNGzZr6LOKoiP3o72LzrGLKrC3ZE2W5Kvp8gDaOdJcpOTqmv9g-yrhmbw_aem_PnNZ-fThiNIFppsrvt2BwQ)
> the radical therapist network will be hosting a community support circle for people of the global majority on the 8th & 12th of august, for which you can find details & free tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/community-support-circle-tickets-976958618527?aff=oddtdtcreator